Are you not trying to teach me a lesson about the morality of CP as well? Debate is about teaching people why you are correct, you are trying to educate me as to why you are correct and I am trying to educate you as to why I am correct. So I did indeed try to teach you a lesson that would allow you to understand why what I am saying is correct. I was a bit too mean to that poster, although in fairness he was a bit of a jackass and seemed to not recall his original post despite quoting it. Scientists, mathematicians, writers and other professions also have members who believe in gods , they may be quite capable of logical thought in many instances but they are still illogical in others. I don't doubt that some of the people who are trying to argue against me are quite intelligent, but it doesn't mean they are thinking rationally about this particular issue, and indeed I would claim that they are allowing emotion to cloud their cognitive abilities. And this is where you are wrong . The number 4 translates to a series of colored pixels via some algorithm. All images are binary sequences. All binary sequences can be represented as decimal numbers. The only difference between a CP image and the number 4 is its distance from 0. So any discussion of CP is fundamentally a discussion of numbers. You seem to think that numbers representing CP files are moral to look at if they are derived from a PRNG or 3D rendering software, even if the result is the same number produced by a child molester with a camera. I fail to see how these numbers are moral if they come from a PRNG or 3D rendering software, but not if they come from a camera, considering they are otherwise identical numbers just as 4 is 4. If a child molester obtains such a number by taking a photograph of a molestation, you say that the people who view the image produced by this number are immoral for doing so and should be arrested, but if someone views the image produced from the same number it is moral if the original "source" of the number is a PRNG (Source in quotation marks as numbers actually exist independently of anything and are intrinsic to reality). I just don't see how this can be, what is special about one instance of a number or another?