No you are very foaming at the mouth. It is hard to argue with people who think with their emotions. Dude, your entire thought process is not based on reality. It is not based on information, it is closer to the way an animal thinks than the way a human should think. You are quite literally being poisoned to the point of delusional rage by the strong emotions you feel. You have no ability to analyze things or think about things because certain things just trigger this primitive reaction in you and your already probably limited ability to use logic just goes to shit. You might as well start banging on your chest like a fucking ape. American Civil Liberties Union. Liberty being the key word. Libertarians. Liberty. The people who fight for freedom take the same opinion as I do. The same people fighting for your helpless ass are fighting for the right of pedophiles to view child porn. It is about freedom for everybody, you want to take freedom away from some people and keep it for yourself. Yes I want to live in a world where everybody is free, even people who you find to be disgusting and horrible. I want to live in a world where humans think with logic and do not become intoxicated by emotion. Logic is always the best way to think, emotional thinking is never the best it is always going to lead to bad results. You have a responsibility to the rest of humanity to try to suppress your emotions the best you can so that your logical abilities have a chance of seeing the light of day. Children in pictures are not hurt be people looking at the pictures, just like the people in other horrible images are not hurt by people looking at them. I know it seems to be that they are to you, but this is because you are suffering from delusions due to the empathy overdose this subject causes in you. I know it is hard to see that delusions are not real, but please try really hard. Ok, pictures on a computer, they are just what 1's and 0's okay? They can be represented with the flip of a coin okay, heads and tails. So if I flip a coin multiple times and record the result, no matter how many times I do this it is not going to harm a child. Does that make sense to you? Do you see that my flipping of a coin has not impact on any children in the world? Even if I flip the coin and by chance after so many flips the recorded sequence is identical to a picture of child pornograhpy? See, if I flip a coin forever and record the result, there is a decent chance that I will end up with some child porn ! But we already established that flipping coins doesn't hurt children right? Do you see now how maybe you are being a bit irrational? Take a deep breath and think about it a little, do you really think that if you flip a coin too many times you could end up harming a random child? Do you really think that if I flip a coin too many times, it will lead to a child to be molested again *in the past*? This mechanism of action just does not exist bro, and I am really sorry that you think it does because it makes me think maybe you have some psychotic mental health problem, and I hope that if you do that you remember to take your medication, because it could really help with your scary thoughts. I cannot even imagine how scary it must be for you to live in a world where flipping coins has so much power, but just try to get through it bro. Lol did you not read that before you said it? Wow hardcore rapists, serial killers, murderers and general lowlife gangbangers will fucking stick me like a pig in a heartbeat. Is that really meant to tell me something? They are fucking hardcore rapists, serial killers, murderers and general lowlife gangbangers you dumb fuck they are all in jail because the stuck somebody like a pig in the first fucking place lol. Dude I doubt you have even been out of the same general area of the UK in your entire fucking life, if I really was worried about delusional fucks such as yourself I would just go to Japan or some other country that has a society that totally agrees with me. Age of consent in Japan is 13, 90% of the population is against making CP illegal and it isn't even illegal to distribute softcore CP. Don't think anyone is gonna stick me like a pig there, especially considering I think 13 is pretty young for age of consent and don't even argue in favor of legalizing the distribution of CP so much as I do the viewing of CP (although I really think distribution isn't a big deal either if it isn't for profit). blah blah blah fuck you too