It is controversial if pornography addiction leads to a desire for more and more explicit material, and progression is not required by most standards to qualify for addiction to pornography, however I do think that progression is a common characteristic of pornography addiction, and many who view CP are actually not pedophiles but rather are pornography addicts. As far as acting out what they have seen, that is highly controversial as well, and would link to the "media and its effect on violence" as well as "access to violent pornography leads to lower rates of sexual violence" studies. Lol, funny that they quote Ted Bundy. Bundy was a sociopath he was trying to manipulate his interviewers when he discussed the effect pornography had on him, sociopaths are well known for such manipulations: Highly controversial Highly controversial contradicts other studies that access to violent pronography reduce rates of sexual violence. Rapists fantasize about rape when looking at pornography, so what. Females have more rape fantasies than anyone else, it is the third most popular female fantasy: do you think this means all of these females want to be raped in reality? Oh wait that is impossible. It is impossible to want to be raped because being raped means you don't want it to happen. That paradox shows the clear separation between fantasy and reality, just as many of the people who look at child porn don't actually want to rape children outside of their fantasies. I will say probably repeated exposure to pornography causes a desire for more extreme pornography, at least in those addicted to pornography. However, this is highly controversial, as are all of the other points Dr. Dolf made. Almost all men are into porn of one sort or another: I am not going to keep repeating myself, but yeah I already gave links showing that these claims are highly controversial and hotly contested, as well as links showing that much of the research making such claims has been found to be biased and not legitimate. Those statistics seem fishy considering that 35% of college aged men say they might rape if they knew they would get away with it Well, even in the social sciences the things this crazy Christian fundamentalist is talking about are highly controversial. Well, as my previous links show, the studies that this person is giving links to have also been reviewed and found to have major flaws in them. I guess we will need to look at the raw statistics then? Regardless in the study I linked to it mentioned only child sex abuse crimes not all sex crimes well as the above link shows, he only claimed that child sex abuse fell after access to child pornography was made possible. So there is no trickery going on with that statistic! There is a lot of evidence that says pornography leads to lower rates of sexual violence and child pornography leads to lower rates of child sex abuse as well.