Well, the amount of currently available CP is in the several millions of files, and I think that would be enough to satisfy essentially all people who are into CP. So your argument doesn't stand. What is the difference between one existing picture and two million existing pictures? But the thing is, at any point in time there is always a number of images of CP and they were always all produced in the past. Also you guys keep falling back on this supply and demand argument which is really dumb because there is no proof that people looking at pictures of CP leads to more CP being produced. My argument about technical systems that perfectly hide demand stands, because your argument means that you are okay with all CP distribution being done through PIR. I also find it very hard to believe that some dude on a P2P network downloading CP from some random fuck will lead to some molester going out and raping a kid on camera. The mechanism of action just isn't clear, and I can give citations to Ph.D researchers who claim that there is no evidence that merely viewing CP translates into the production of CP.