What? I think I have justified my position quite well through out this entire thread. I have not got around to making a reply to your previous post yet, but I will do so right now. I spent most of yesterday trying to find how common child marriage was in 1850's Australia, and didn't have time to answer your post as well. I think my previous posts have at least proven than wadozo's claim that pedophilia has always been hated by the community is certainly completely incorrect, and given citations that pedophilia (by todays definition) was extremely common and socially acceptable everywhere up to the 16th century, and stretching into the 19th century, and still legal to practice in some places even today. This seems to mean that people engaging in pedophilic relationships WERE the community for almost all of human history, and that they have only been seen as evil in the past hundred and fifty years or so. Certainly today the rabidness against them is at an all time high. However this is a technicality, as I said, due to the fact that pedophilia includes attraction to those up to 13 years old. Essentially you can either admit that attraction to 12 and 13 year olds is not pedophilia, or you have to admit that pedophilia was widespread and socially accepted for most of human history. Why do all of your arguments make it sound like I am saying it should be legal to produce CP? I never have claimed this. The problem I think is that your mind is incapable of seeing the trees in the forest but rather can only view the forest as a whole. This is characterized by your use of the phrase "CP is wrong". You see, I don't argue anything about the morality of CP, rather I break it down into "CP viewing", "CP distribution", "CP production of softcore material", "CP production of hardcore material / rape" , "self produced CP", "Jailbait", etc. This allows me to analyze the individual components of "CP" and come to independent conclusions on their morality, whereas you seem incapable of looking at things as the parts that make them up and rather are forced to look at things as a whole. The consensus of the mental health community is at odds with this statement. Hebephilia and ephebophilia are not considered mental illnesses despite a small fringe group of crusaders lobbying for this to be the case. Additionally, it is pretty well accepted that average males are non-exclusive ephebophiles, so your argument is essentially that males have malfunctioning brains. Your claim that hebephiles and ephebophiles have malfunctioning brains is contested by the mental health community, so the basis for your argument is largely on a notion pulled out of your own ass. No they are fundamentally identical. Pictures made with cameras inherently depict historical events. And you think that no CP is a visual depiction of the evil unchecked impulses of humans? A child who turns 18 will never have pornography of them produced again that is illegal to view. On the other hand, there will still be war crimes carried out in the future, and the pictures of these crimes will still be legal to view. My argument certainly does not "unravel" here, you can merely replace the instance of the behavior "the holocaust" with the genus of the behavior "war crimes" and now your argument has fallen apart. They are totally comparable concepts, sorry that I reduced your logic to absurdity. Children continue to be harmed by war crimes.... (the holocaust is an individual historical instance of a behavior) Children depicted in pornography who have now turned 18 do not continue to be harmed by people making child porn... (the present time behavior of making CP does not continue to effect individuals who were affected by it in the past but who can no longer be depicted as the children victims of CP production) so either I can argue that you are wrong because you place improper importance on the historic property of the instance of a behavior, or I can run along with your argument and claim that it should be legal to view CP of children who have now turned 18, as they cannot continue to be harmed by the production of CP. Sure there are some ways we can reduce the amount of new CP, probably nobody can completely halt it though. I note that you are not against banning people from viewing photographs of the holocaust despite the fact that war crimes continue and are still being photographed today. One way to reduce the amount of CP production is by legalizing the viewing of CP, since studies in every country that has legalized the viewing of CP show that this causes the rate of child sexual abuse to fall significantly. Also, you continue to switch back and forth between arguing against legalizing CP and then using reasoning that only argues against legalizing the production of CP.