Well, all the Eastern European studios are long since gone. He is wrong to say that CP production is a multi million dollar industry, in the past it was worth a small number of millions, but today there is essentially no financial component involved. People vastly over estimate the financial aspect of CP even in the past when it played an infinitely more significant role than it does today. That said, the children pictured in the softcore porn from Eastern Europe did all "consent" to be pictured and had the consent of their parents and largely of the community it was based out of. They apparently figured having food for the family was a higher priority than their daughters not posing semi nude for a production studio. That said I don't even try to justify the production of CP, it is another can of worms and not something I am interested in fighting for. I will say there are shades of gray with even that though, from the teenagers self producing to the softcore studios to the actual rape and abuse filmed by molesters. I will say that I find it completely arbitrary that the US has ruled the following image of Brooke Shields as art and not child porn: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/culturenews/6248757/Brooke-Shields-photographer-disappointed-by-police-pornography-claim.html (cropped photo, full thing is legal in US but possibly considered CP in UK and probably CP in other countries so not gonna post link to full picture but you can find it on google really easily if you look) http://www.artlyst.com/articles/police-censor-richard-prince-photograph-at-tate-modern but the softcore images from Eastern Europe of course are all child porn, when many of them are to the best of my knowledge essentially identical. In both cases the parents consent, the child consented at the time (although as we can see in the case of Brooke Shields, she later wished she had not, which makes sense since she was 10 at the time and a 10 year old pressured by her mother can not be seen as consenting in my eyes), and in both cases the family was paid. So it is essentially identical to much of the softcore Eastern European CP, so why is it the courts say people go to prison for that but in the case of Brooke Shields they say she cannot have it classified as CP or restrict people from looking at it? It is arbitrary bullshit and people are going to prison over shit like this in some cases and in other cases they get the blessing of the US government. Well, I am sure people still have money in Ukraine now that all of the production studios have been shut down. The production studios generally claimed to be making art, much like the Brooke Shields photograph was claimed to be art and ruled as such by the US courts, and not to be making child porn, but later on in their careers I think they started taking even more suggestive photographs. In any case they were not taking photographs of rape and torture and snuff, and they do account for a huge percentage of CP produced so I really want to see the citations for these "almost all" and 70% statistics. I don't think any of the Eastern European CP from the two major studios even had penetration. It was mostly semi nude and nude posing as far as I can tell, not going to actually go looking through it as that would be illegal and would result in me getting ass raped in prison for some reason. I think most of it wasn't much different from that infamous Brooke Shields photograph series. It probably also really did help with the bills for the poor people in the areas it was made in, but hey I agree that child abuse to pay the bills is no justification for child abuse. That is an even more libertarian argument that what I am putting forth (many libertarians are in favor of legalized child prostitution in cirumstances where the child can pick between starving to death and prostitution, I am not going to get into that can of worms right now). Certainly I do not try to look at anything I would consider to depict children in pornographic situations, largely due to the fact that I don't find myself as being sexually attracted to children.