You are the one who made the original claim that almost all CP is fucking snuff and rape, so where is your citation? Or is it just what you think? I can give citations that studios in Ukraine produced millions of images of softcore CP, can you find a citation that there are millions of images of snuff (lol) and rape (less lol, probably way more rape than snuff) CP? Because I am still convinced that I am right, and I think it is absurd that you get to pull shit out of your ass and make outlandish claims but I don't get to say my opinion on the matter based off of the things I have read (which largely indicate that the Ukrainian studios produced the bulk of available CP). This is like the theme of your logic, pulling shit out of your ass. Where is a single citation that the majority of CP is rape or snuff? Can you show me any links to stories about large scale amounts of rape or snuff CP? Because I can show you links to articles about softcore CP images being produced by the millions of images in Ukraine. And then we can pad that with all the self produced jailbait pornography. And then we can add all of the nudist shit. And then we can add all of the people who took naked pictures of their kids or random kids but didn't have sex with them. By the time all of the CP that is not rape or snuff is added up, I think we will see that rape and especially snuff consists of a tiny bit of CP. I can find statistic that 1 out of 5 people busted with CP have hardcore CP depicting rape or sadistic behavior, but that is not accurate enough as they could have 5,000 softcore images and 10 hardcore images. I don't think any information is available on the amount of CP images and videos that fall into one category or another. Where is your statistic that the majority of CP consists of rape/snuff from? How do you know that? Please show me the research I am really curious , since you have so much credibility on the matter. If you want I can give you citations that only 1:5 people busted with CP have sadistic images. I can give you citations that studios in Ukraine and Russia produced millions of softcore CP images. I can give you citations for the estimated numbers of teenagers taking naked photographs of themselves (it is a LARGE percentage). I can account for several million child pornography images that are not rape or snuff, how many images of rape or snuff can you account for? Anybody who kills themselves to stop looking at pictures must be fucking mentally ill lol. I can't believe you think that people should die rather than look at pictures, to me that opinion seems so barbaric and backwards and fucking insane that I think you must have come out of the past, people in this day and age are supposed to be much more rational than you. Also I think you must be British also, since they seem to call CP Vile Filth the most. I really get the impression that I am arguing with a bunch of people from the UK for some reason, lol. You are the one who said that the majority of CP is rape or snuff, I find this to be extraordinarily unlikely, and like I said before, I can show you various figures for the number of softcore images made by big production studios, how about show me some figures for the number of hardcore sadistic images. Example please? None of the fertility studies I can find even consider the fertility of teenagers. They show sexual peak in the early 20's, and then it starts falling, but none of them have enough resolution to see before the 20's. It is still entirely possible, and I find it likely to be true, that peak fertility is reached in the early teenage years, probably around 14.5 when peak sexual development is reached, and continues to the late 20's at which point it falls. I will keep looking for a citation for this, but I would love to see a citation from you showing that 20 year olds are actually MORE fertile than 14.5 year olds, because I cannot find anything claiming this, all I can find is that in studies involving those ages 20 plus, fertility starts to decline in the late 20's. That does not mean that peak fertility starts in the early 20's, it just means that peak fertility starts to go down after the early 20's.