A. Sure, look at freedom hosting, they provided hosting for free to hundreds of CP sites. B. Look at Freenet, it is a network full of CP and it works because everybody volunteers some of their HD space C. The vast majority of it is on P2P and Torrent networks, do you know how those work? D. Even the private forums hosted independently are not for profit. They are similar to private drug forums. Look at the private drug forums you never had to pay to be a member on any of them, and they were all run and paid for by a single admin for the good of the community. Sure, I need to stop using figure of speech numbers even when this is obviously what is being done, because people will attack me for it and say I am full of shit. But I can give you some concrete citations still! web.cs.umass.edu/publication/docs/2013/UM-CS-2013-007.pdf The last big CP for profit distribution group was busted in 2010. Since then commercial CP selling is almost extinct. It is literally almost 100% freely downloaded with no financial market at all. https://stevenjohnhibbs.wordpress.com/2010/09/23/international-authorities-bust-a-huge-commercial-child-porn-ring/ Wow 30,000 customers at the last remaining significant CP distribution site in the world! There are 30,000 people detected downloading CP from P2P networks for free in single fucking cities. Also I note that they think commercial CP distribution sites have fallen to single digits, so I probably over estimated when I said there are still 15. http://www.vt-icac.org/outreach/read-more-outreach/ Two single law enforcement operations against P2P networks identified 20 MILLION IP addresses making it available for free, and that is not counting the numbers of people who actually downloaded it but didn't share it from those IP addresses. And that is not taking the free forums into account, not taking the free clearnet sites into account, not taking the Darknet like Tor and Freenet into account. There are probably 100 million people in the world who have downloaded CP for free, in 2010 there were 30,000 people buying it from what was essentially the last commercial distributor in the world. Let's see then, it looks like I just gave citations that there were in 2010 LESS THAN 15 commercial CP distribution sites left, and that about .01 percent of people who downloaded CP paid for it. So does my argument still seem swiss cheese to you? Because to me it looks like the numbers I gave as estimated figures of speech actually lined up pretty close to reality.