So I read about the program used, it is far from ideal, uses an old symmetric algorithm that has some known weaknesses but none of them seem to break it in common usage yet. It looks like it is a dying symmetric algorithm that will probably be broken in more practical situations some time in the fairly near future. It is already broken in specific edge case scenarios but I don't think from my quick glance over it that this situation will be one of those. So pretty much not a symmetric cipher that you want to use, had problems yesterday, has a lot more today and will probably have a lot lot more tomorrow, but it is not ROT-13 or something and can still probably provide some level of security if it is properly implemented. The second issue is that the security it can provide is very implementation dependent. It seems like it needs to be extremely carefully implemented to avoid it being easily crackable, and there are many systems using this algorithm that have implemented it incorrectly such that they are quickly crackable. As far as this particular text editing program goes, I have no idea if they implemented it properly, I can find very little information about this editor as it is quite obscure. I would lean toward thinking that they probably fucked it up just to be on the safe side, but it is possible they implemented it correctly. The third issue is that they limit the password size to such a low number of characters and such a small selection of characters that without a PBKDF (which I cannot find if they use) the very most entropy the password is going to have will be just under 100 bits, but that assumes that the password is actually randomly generated and not some words or something human created. All of these things together paint a pretty bleak picture, but not as bad as no encryption at all being used. It is possible still that the heavens will smile on your customers, and the symmetric algorithm has just enough life left in it to be strong enough in this scenario, it was implemented properly by the people who made the text editing program and the password was pseudorandomly generated or very close to random and human created, and hopefully there is a PBKDF as well to give it a bit more strength. But honestly I wouldn't get my hopes up very high.