I was actually being sarcastic. So what people cannot do things when they are high? People cannot do work while they are sky diving either, should we ban that? Or should we ban playing baseball because you cannot work on html while trying to hit a ball? Your idea of the ideal world sounds like everybody is chained to a desk 24/7 for the good of the economy. Why do you even care if other people are productive? If somebody wants to get high all day and do jack shit else it should have no effect on you and only have an effect on them. Your fear of drugs hurting the economy makes it seem like you think everybody should be a slave to the community. This is actually a standard Democrat party train of thought. They love tax, and the more money people make the more tax dollars go back to the community, so if they think drug use will cause people to stop working and getting as much money that means less money for them to take, therefor drugs should be illegal. So essentially they think we are not good enough slaves while we are high, and if we want to get high we should be enslaved even more extremely by being forced to give their friends with no skills (drug abuse specialists) a chance to earn tax dollars when we are sentenced to re-education classes after the gestapo kicks our doors down.