Oh I don't hold anything in particular against Christians, despite the fact that they are one of the most oppressive forces in the western world. I mean, I know there are plenty of good Christians. Even though a huge number of them rally against homosexual equality, rally against drug legalization, rally against pornography, rally against education, rally against science, rally against medical progress, rally against safe sex and sex education and generally control many parts of the world like a fucking organized mafia, infiltrate the police forces and the political world and covertly and not so covertly force their religious sense of morality onto the entire world (not to mention they are responsible for about a two thousand year period in which not only was no progress made, but civilization went backward, so essentially thanks to religious people we are about two thousand years less technologically sophisticated than we would be without them). I also have nothing against muslims, even though some of them shoot children in the head for trying to learn to read. I actually have met and befriended several Muslims and several Christians who are nothing like that at all, despite such a substantial portion of people holding to such faiths being totalitarian nut jobs to one degree or another. I mean, if I could press a button and cure all of these people of their mental illness I would do so in a split second, and the effect this would have on the world would be massively positive and we would likely experience a massive shift toward freedom across the entire world as well as massive scientific improvements, but it isn't like I am so stupid as to hate Christians or other religious people, it isn't like all of them are completely vile and in fact I know many of them are quite nice! My argument was not meant to be taken seriously. I don't think that we should burn all of the churches and send Christians to slave labor camps, people should be free to practice whatever religion they want (of course they shouldn't be free to shoot children in the heads for trying to learn to read, even if they think their religion says that they should), just as people should be free to use whatever drugs they want (of course they shouldn't be free to get coked out and rob a gas station). It is just that in my experience most of the people who are in favor of the war on drugs tend to fall into two camps, either they are religious or they are communists. Of course the elite people who are really behind the war on drugs tend to not actually be in either of these two camps, although they often pretend to be (like the communists in the USSR, I mean the political leaders sure were not living under the same sort of communism as the common people, right?). But the two most common arguments from the common TRUE BELIEVER (ie: not government propaganda brainwashed) people tend to boil down to A. Drugs should be illegal because they are immoral because The Bible B. Drugs should be illegal because they are immoral because we should have socialized health care and if drug users require medical expenses then it will be paid for by society so we must make it so nobody uses drugs to decrease the amount of money society needs to spend on health care, and also drug use could effect productivity and since we feel we have the right to 60% of the money you earn you should definitely not do anything that could theoretically cause you to earn less money because that means you have less money for us to steal from you So I don't really feel bad about calling out religious people in the way that I did. They want to trample on my rights to use drugs and I want them to see what things would be like if the tables were turned. They think it is okay to send drug users to prison and confiscate our drugs, and I want them to think about a world where religious people are sent to prisons and we confiscate their Holy Books and burn their temples. I guess since the argument from the other poster centered around the economy it would have been more pertinent for me to say we should enslave all of the communists and burn the Communist Manifesto. But really my intention was not to trash talk Christians but rather to point out the absurdity of making something illegal because people cannot do other work while they are doing it. I was pointing out that using this absurd logic it would make sense to ban people from going to church as well. So actually I was defending the Christians right to go to church, it just isn't so obvious since they already have the right to do that but I don't have the right under the law to use LSD on Sunday, and according to the poster I argued with this is great because if I use LSD on Sunday I cannot be working on things for the economy!