Yeah hot dog stand sounds like a good idea. Firework stand, christmas trees, hotdog stand, anything like that is a really good way to launder money. Not only will you make some legit money, but you can also very easily pad your books without anybody noticing, or even pretend to operate more than you really do. Unless you are under intense surveillance nobody is going to know if you sold 400 or 500 hotdogs on a given day (since you pay for your supplies with cash, hell maybe even drug money), and that 100 hotdog difference could let you launder $200 right there in a single day, $1,000 a week, $48,000 a year. Technical services are a good bet as well, especially things like programming and taking bids for jobs that can be carried out entirely through the internet. Who is to tell you that you didn't get paid $10,000 to make a program for somebody that doesn't even exist? I mean, if you try to say you made a million bucks in one year writing software for yourself it will look suspicious and you might get investigated, but if you are only trying to launder tens of thousands of bucks a year it is pretty close to the perfect way to do it, especially since you can be paid in Bitcoin or something. The best bet though is jobs where you are paid in cash that is even better than being paid in Bitcoin honestly.