zxydwx3 you must not read much about law enforcement operations because bugging is extremely common. I know at least one busted internet vendor who had his car bugged with a GPS tracking device to aid in LE surveillance of him. It is also extremely common for bugs to be used in the form of wires, and hidden cameras have also been used in computer crime investigations, and physical key loggers have been used extensively as well. Not to be rude, but get a clue before you comment. As far as bug detection goes, to the best of my understanding you are not going to be able to afford a professional bug detecting kit. The kits used by actual professionals cost upwards of $100,000. I have heard that the bug detecting equipment you can buy on the internet for cheap is great for detecting bugs that you can buy on the internet for cheap (often from the same stores), but that it is not truly professional grade equipment. The professional name for bug detection equipment is TSCM, technical surveillance counter measure equipment. A quick search reveals stores selling kits for a few hundred dollars, but searching for truly professional grade equipment shows single devices ranging from between $3,000 to $80,000.