All of them argue essentially the same thing, subjectivism. Of course all serious scientists are pretty strong advocates of objectivism. All evidence points to an objective reality that is completely independent of subjective perception. You think it cannot be scientifically proven that if a tree falls in the woods it makes a sound regardless of if anybody is there to hear it or not?!?! I believe that the most widely accepted theory, from physicists of course, not from philosophers, is that eternally there are pseudo-vacuums in space that inflate and are filled with intrinsic energy, and eventually the vacuum deteriorates and all of the energy inside of it explosively turns into matter. The area that the vacuum filled is called a universe, this process of inflation has been going on for eternity and will continue for eternity, there are an infinite number of universes and together they make up the multiverse which consists of everything that is. I think universes inflate from what is called a white hole, something through which matter can be pushed out but through which nothing can go in. This is the inverse of a black hole, something through which matter can be sucked in but through which nothing can come out. I think every black hole from one 'perspective' is a white hole from another perspective, and that all of the multiverse is connected together with black:white holes. Of course this is just my understanding as a layperson. Theoretical physics is a bit too much for me to really grasp at a detailed level. However, if you are interested in reading more about this you could look up 'eternal inflation' and 'white holes'.