Haha I would +1 you if I had not already done so earlier. But in all seriousness, I don't need to post a 50 book length post. It is not surprising at all that uneducated and emotional anti child porn crusaders would pressure Russia to take action that would victimize dissidents in a misguided attempt to make engaging in completely legal behavior that they disagree with impossible, while ignoring the fact that Russians don't need Tor to go to CP sites due to the fact that CP is not illegal in Russia and that the Russian version of Facebook has as much CP on it as Tor does. Whatever lets them pat themselves on the back for thinking they protected children I guess. Of course it is worth noting that countries with legalized child porn possession have significantly lower rates of child molestation, so it is a bit strange to me that this anti-pedophile group apparently wants to pressure Russia into causing more children to be molested, but thankfully for all of the Russian children people in Russia don't need Tor for CP and therefor only dissidents will be harmed, not pedophiles or children.