I should also add that by Tor projects definition of 'anonymous' (which is the technically correct definition, mind you), none of us are anonymous anyway, we are all pseudonymous. Turning off javascript reduces your anonymity in the sense that you can now be identified by the 'pseudonym' that is your browser fingerprint, which is going to be a less used 'pseudonym' than the browser fingerprint in which javascript is enabled. However, this is mostly only important if you use Tor to access all kinds of sites. When I am posting on SR, the fact that I am named 'kmfkewm' already removes all of my anonymity, 'kmfkewm' is a more important pseudonym than the pseudonym I have due to my browser fingerprint. However, if I surf SR as well as other sites with this browser, then the 'pseudonym' of my browser fingerprint becomes more important, and server logs could indicate that somebody who shares my not-kmfkewm 'browser pseudonym' has surfed several different websites. But even though I am not anonymous when I surf SR, I still don't want to be traceable. Not having javascript enabled makes me less traceable, having javascript enabled makes me potentially more anonymous (although not if I am posting as kmfkewm, and not if I am hacked!) but it also makes me more traceable.