Somebody claiming that RAM dumps are == to breaking encryption?! It must be a day ending in y. ALL encryption systems are weak to this sort of attack. If your private keys are compromised, so is the encryption. There are techniques you can use to make this sort of attack harder to pull off, but an attacker who can do this has already severely pwnt you. Either they have gained remote access to your OS, meaning you have been hacked and pwnt, or they have physical access to your computer, meaning the police kicked your door down and they are standing next to your system. Even in these cases you are not 100% weak to this sort of attack, but given that one of these two requirements must be met for you to be weak to this attack at all, you can sleep soundly still. The biggest worry would be Atlantis (or someone who compromises SR, on the seemingly reasonable assumption that we can trust DPR) doing a MITM attack on key exchange.