This is to be expected and is nothing to be very excited about. It is merely changing who profits from our enslavement, to the friends of liberals (rehabilitation facilities, drug counselors, etc) rather than the friends of conservatives (prison industry). You need to understand what they are really saying, and look past the deceitful way in which it is presented. Instead of a small time drug offender going to jail for a few months, they may instead go to an in patient "treatment facility" for a few months. Instead of sitting in a cell being bored for the duration of their incarceration, they will instead be sitting in a group holding area being intensely bombarded with the same boring propaganda as always. For the smallest offenders nothing really new will happen. Instead of being arrested, sent to court and then put on probation and forced to pay for it, they will be arrested, sent to court and then sentenced to take a bunch of out patient "treatment" (propaganda) courses that they need to pay for. They will be forced to fund the social scientist propaganda regurgitation machines that tend to be very traditional statist-liberals, and supporters of the democrat political party. For dealers nothing will change, they will still be sent to prison, but they may be sent to prisons that have a focus on "treatment" (ie: propaganda taught by liberal social scientists) rather than on traditional simple holding of prisoners. It is nothing surprising at all. Conservatives claim that we are heathens and criminals, and then they enslave us for the profit of their friends in the prison industry, claiming to be helping protect society from immoral criminals. Liberals claim that we are sick, and then they enslave us for the profit of their friends in social sciences, claiming to be helping to treat us. Only a small percentage of the people who go to drug treatment programs do so willingly, and a large percentage of them do not really have drug abuse problems. Remember, as far as the government is concerned, any recreational drug use is equal to drug abuse. You need to understand the weasel words that they use to really understand what they are saying, if you mirror image and assume that you are both coming from the same page, you will only cheer as our masters change hands. I will cheer when the slaves are freed, I do not care so much who is currently profiting off of our enslavement, or if the slave traders claim they are helping society by enslaving us or helping us by enslaving us.