Fingerprints ARE enough to get you busted and if you think otherwise you are plain and simple fucktarded. Maybe it is outside your field of expertise, but there is a basic forensics technique called intersection that applies to all sorts of things. In this case the attacker would order multiple packages from the vendor, then they would lift prints off of all of them and intersect the crowds until only the vendors prints are remaining. Your fingerprints may hide in a tiny ass crowd on one package, but over two or three or four packages and your prints are the only unique ones left. Really I am dumbfounded that anybody here would argue against the importance of wearing gloves when packaging things. There is absolutely no debate to be had. My guess is they are either LE trying to create the impression of there being ANY debate in regards to the importance of not leaving fingerprints on shit, or they are trolls, or they are complete fucking idiots. In fact, I am certain that they absolutely must be one of the previously mentioned things.