Really I should mostly blame the government, as they pump out propaganda and indoctrinate the hell out of people. But I blame the people who are indoctrinated just as much. It just more clearly shows the illusion of living in a democracy than anything else does. All the politicians, statists and other government apologists always argue against violence being used against the drug enforcers and the benefactors and beneficiaries of the war on drugs, and their excuse is always that in the US there is a free political system and it is the will of the people for drugs to remain illegal, and enforcers are just doing their jobs. I wonder how many mental gymnastics these people need to do to get around the fact that we have propaganda pumped at us 24/7. If North Korea allowed free elections but the people of the country think that their leader is a fucking God, and have propaganda saying such pumped at them 24/7, would we think that they have a free political system? From the time you are a young child in school being taught lies about drugs, and told to turn your parents in if you know they are drug users, through all the grades of school even up to college in some career paths, people are taught lies about drugs. You know, a person may consider school to be a good source of information, and even otherwise somewhat intelligent people could be indoctrinated into believing the lies about drugs if they are taught lies through an institution of fucking knowledge. Not to mention the media pumps out just as much bullshit about drugs, sometimes overtly and sometimes covertly. So people are taught lies about drugs at school, the media spreads lies about drugs, people believe lies about drugs and repeat the lies to their friends further strengthening the perceived legitimacy of the propaganda. Of course churches also are against drug use, and that is like the third primary source that people get their information from (even though it is all bullshit). So we have people who are born and they go to school where they are taught lies about drugs for years, the media portray drugs in a false light, the churches portray drugs in a false light, people are surrounded by bullshit 360 degrees. And people still say that we have a free political system and that the war on drugs is the will of the people! The war on drugs is entirely manufactured ! It is a modern, artificial phenomenon ! When people have an artificially created ignorance of drugs, and the only 'knowledge' about drugs they have comes from an establishment that has it in its best interests to spread lies about drugs, how the fuck is that freedom? Seriously, most adults hold beliefs about drugs that I can only compare to what beliefs a young grade school kid would hold in regards to sex! The people are like young children in regards to drugs, an artifact of their indoctrination and artificial, manufactured ignorance. It makes me so mad to hear people say that the war on drugs is the will of the people, and that we need to convince people drugs are okay. Why do they give so much power to the government, that the government can decide that drugs are "bad" (not like they really have done this, they have only decided that they want to rob and enslave us), that the government can pump out propaganda about drugs, but then when the brainwashed masses turn us into criminals and viciously attack us, we must then be saintly to them and peacefully convince them otherwise, over decades through which we are prosecuted, enslaved and killed? I am so sick of hearing people talk about drugs like they have a fucking clue when they are just spewing out bullshit. It makes me mad that these people have control over our lives, despite not living in reality. It is a perfect example of why I hate democracy, it is an insecure form of politics. Democracy is vulnerable to propaganda and ignorance. I do not think people should be able to vote for how things are done, rather there should be a benevolent totalitarian regime (which would inherently be libertarian anarchist, and only for the enforcement of our rights). The war on drugs, and the mechanics through which a select group of elites was able to undermine democracy and turn it into a charade benefiting themselves, is proof enough for me that Democracy is dangerous. In a Democracy the people vote for what is done, or for who decides what is done in the bastardized American form of democracy, but without the people being protected from propaganda and indoctrination, the propagandists and indoctrinators are really the ones who decide what is done! Even worse, the people are tricked into thinking they decide what is done, because they cannot see their own manipulation. They can not determine that their own knowledge is false, and that their minds have been poisoned and tainted by groups with ulterior motives. And so the people are falsely pacified, they say that we have the power and that the enforcement agencies do our will so they are not our enemies. They do no see that we have no power and that the enforcement agencies are the soldiers of the propagandists. The masses do not see that they are kept stupid so that minorities of them can be sectioned off by the government for sale into slavery, for profit of the government and the interests of those who are in the government. Everyday we see the results of the evils of Democracy and the evils of the government. We see people needlessly dying from overdoses on drugs that they would otherwise obtain in measured dosages. We see drugs such as PMA sold as MDMA leading to many more senseless deaths. We see the funding of violent cartels leading to tens of thousands more deaths, poverty and other horrors. We see our peers sold into slavery for the profit of psychopaths. We see the spread of disease such as HIV. We see unsanitary and impossible to properly regulate practices of drug distribution leading to many issues. We see nations with citizens who are kept as stupid as small children, it is like the fucking twilight zone. The list goes on and on. Every time somebody says something like "Taking LSD 7 times causes a person to be clinically insane!" I fucking cringe, I cringe at their artificial stupidity and I cringe because I am shown clearly the falsity of Democracy, I am shown clearly that while I am ostensibly free in reality I am a slave.