It is bullshit to say that US libertarian anarchists are ultra conservative. Ultra conservatives are against drug legalization, against separation of church and state, against abortion in all cases etc. Libertarian anarchy from a US perspective is like a hybrid of conservatism and liberalism. When it comes to anything to do with money or business, it is very conservative. There should be no taxation whatsoever, no social welfare programs funded with force, no socialized health care, no FDC to approve drugs or food, no regulations on restaurants like no smoking or limited sized soda etc. Although libertarian anarchists are generally kind people and in favor of voluntarily donating money to social programs, they are against people being forced to donate. When it comes to businesses, they are regulated by the people in that nobody forces you to work at a place that allows smoking, nobody forces you to buy big sugary drinks, etc. They think that the monopoly on regulation should instead be replaced with a free market certification system, so a restaurant may get certified by a free market establishment that serves the purpose of auditing restaurants and reporting on their quality. The same for drugs, etc. The only social issue that it is conservative about is gun ownership, which they think should be legal and minimally regulated if at all regulated. When it comes to everything else, it is highly liberal. Gay marriage should of course be legal, possession of CP should be decriminalized and age of consent lowered, drugs should be entirely legalized, intellectual property laws greatly relaxed (although this issue is debated by libertarians), prostitution legalized, abortion legal, and generally the laws should be relaxed and cut back to the bare minimum. Libertarian anarchists are even more conservative than conservatives, they don't want to cut back on tax they want to completely abolish it. And that means abolishing public schools, public roads, etc. They are also more liberal than liberals, they don't want to just decriminalize marijuana they want to completely legalize all drugs. So in summary, libertarian anarchists are not ultra conservatives, in regards to financial and business related things they are ultra ultra ultra conservatives and in regards to social things they are ultra ultra ultra liberals.