If I hire someone to rape babies they will just be doing a job like the rest of us. Does that excuse them as well? People who argue "they are just doing a job" really absolutely must have some ulterior motive for being police apologists, because your logic falls apart as soon as I say I will hire someone to rape babies or murder innocent people. So either you are okay with ANY behavior so long as it is the result of a paid job, or else you are making an exception for the police that has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that they are "just" doing a job. Also I imagine you excuse the Gestapo and Stasi as well, because after all "someone has to control society" and so if some group controls society therefor all of their crimes against humanity are excused? I think you are the one who needs to grow the fuck up, and open your eyes to the fucking retarded logic you use in apologizing for the atrocities committed by these vicious slave traders.