To the best of my knowledge NONE of the Tor hard candy sites are for profit, though I don't follow them closely or really at all. With the popularity of Bitcoin it is possible some are starting to charge for access, but honestly I doubt it. Yes what you describe is a thing, but most CP is distributed freely on public P2P networks, Tor Hidden Services and of course Freenet is probably the biggest cache of CP in the world from what I gather (though I have heard Lolita City on freedom hosting may actually have more. I really don't know, not interested in real CP myself so have not done an in depth comparison between Tor and Freenet hidden services). I don't know. I found 14 year old girls attractive when I was 14 and guess I just never stopped. I rather not say my age, but am still considered fairly young myself, although a good bit older than you. Why would my perception of who is attractive change, nothing about them has changed. I didn't find ten year old girls attractive when I was ten and still to this day do not. Seems pretty normal to me. I don't feel exclusively attracted to teenagers by any means, although I do find them particularly attractive. Like a 20 year old girl I would rate an 8 I would probably have a 10 if she was a handful of years younger, but that isn't to say I don't find any 20 year old to rate as highly. There is just some extra beauty in youth (not youth as in 12 year old, fwiw) that fades away pretty quickly after 17, but it is only something extra not beauty in itself. Was not aware of such things on Tor but I suppose I am not surprised considering the amount of such things that happen without any profit model. Yeah agree with that, but in either case extortion should be illegal.