Agree entirely (cept for CP studios offering a rare lucrative commodity, CP is pretty common and usually free). The solution is to make it so sex offenses that are REAL are severely punished, and be libertarian as fuck about everything else. It just fits in with the general theme of nobody being able to bitch about a libertarian world really. Legalize CP possession and distribution, lower age of consent to 14, take the people who pissed in the street off the sex offender lists. Now the remaining people on sex offender lists are actually sick fucks who have done serious harm to people, there is no more controversy to be had, they should be punished severely and strict laws against anything else. All this punishing people for bullshit because of moral panties being in a bunch is ruining the entire fucking world, I am so sick of it. People need to get over their fucking issues already, it is okay, we can be free omg !! We do not need to feel bad about our human nature. I think that religion and the government must have seriously warped the minds of god damn nearly everybody on this planet, we are afraid and ashamed of sex we are afraid and ashamed of drug use. We have no tolerance for people who do things we find disgusting even if they are not hurting anybody. In my mind it is no different to want to castrate somebody for looking at CP than it is to want to beat up some gay people. If CP looker rapes a child then it is justified, if gay person rapes a man / woman it is justified. Otherwise they cause no harm leave them the fuck alone and mind your own business. People say omg omg omg pedophiles rape children we must punish CP viewers. Why not say omg omg omg men rape women let's punish porn viewers. They mix shit up so much it makes me nauseated to see their logic. I don't like idea of government monitoring people who have not hurt anybody. Should all males be monitored as potential rapists? Guess what there is actually a huge body of evidence that it is common for males to fantasize about rape, and really many probably feel urge to rape. It makes sense really from an evolutionary perspective, if there is any genetic component to rape the rape gene is going to be extremely prominent considering for most of the history of humans rapists were not punished or even easy to identify in the first place. But despite this only a small percentage of men rape women. And I see this parallels with pedophiles. They inherently desire to have sex with children, which is in itself inherently rape. It does not mean that they are going to go out and rape a ton of kids anymore than a normal man is going to go out and rape a bunch of females. Already some libertarian and anarchist leaning people have suggested legalization of voluntary child prostitution. Their logic is that poor impoverished children in third world countries may see it in their benefit to do this, and that the current laws against this do more harm than good to such children, who end up starved to death rather than molested and living. They also say this will lower market value for child prostitution and lead to less adults using coercion to make children prostitute themselves, as they will not be able to make as much money from it. I....don't really care about this. I will argue strongly as fuck that we should not harass people for viewing images or videos of anything. I will let more extremist libertarians argue for legalization of voluntary child prostitution, or that such a thing could actually exist. I doubt they have much luck. I really find it impossible to imagine that most men are not attracted to 15 year old girls. I mean, photographic forensic scientists cannot even reliably differentiate between girls of 14.5 years old and 18 years old, so what makes them think that they can? Teenagers are sexually matured physically, in a lot of the developed world (and undeveloped, and developing) 13, 14, 15 years old is legal for sex anyway. And are we not biologically wired to be attracted to fertility and youth? Pretty sure you can't find someone more fertile and youthful than a teenager. I think the people who deny these things are just denying human nature really , they cannot even be honest with themselves because they are ashamed because society tells them to be ashamed and they in turn repeat this to society. It is just one big cluster fuck of liars really, lying to themselves and to each other. Shit vast majority of jailbait porn is made by teenagers with cellphone cameras. you could also point out that she is 14 and it isn't like willingly giving a blowjob is going to scar her for life, or probably at all honestly. Hell, jailbait has probably even less a for profit component than CP does. I think it is essentially exclusively self produced. Though does seem to be a trend of people extorting teens through the internet after obtaining an initial nude image of them, which of course should be crime still. In fact it is a crime to do that to adults as well.