Trapwire? America is an extremely statist country, those points hold true for fascism and communism, or anything else that is highly in favor of statism. The four biggest problems of the USA are nationalism, religion, ignorance and statism. Many Americans think that the USA can do nothing bad, and if you say any thing bad about it you must be an enemy of the country. They come to associate their own personal identity with the identity of their country, and thus any attack on their country is an attack on them. This is of course highly encouraged by the power elite. Seeing flags everywhere is merely the observation of one way in which this tendency of ego merging with nationalism expresses itself. Then of course we have some of the most insanely religious people in the world, only challenged by the middle east. A lot of Americans are happy to just pray about things and they think that their prayers actually get shit done. But that might be a good thing, since a lot of the religious nutjobs are mostly interested in oppressing homosexuals, oppressing drug users, oppressing other religions and generally trying to use the government to enforce their outdated and insane and baseless idea of morality onto the world. Then we have the ignorant people, they are one of the biggest risks of all. You know, the people who think they are experts on subjects that they don't know god damn anything about. The people who say 'omg don't take LSD it makes you go insane!!!111' , and who are willing to argue this point to the end , regardless of the proof shown to them. Actually ignorant isn't even the appropriate word for them, in reality they are more similar to mindless drones. They are like the worker ants who mindlessly and unquestioningly serve the queen. If the government says something they just take it to be true. And of course this is similar to the ultra statists, a lot of them have been completely brainwashed by the total illusion that we live in a democracy. "IF YOU DON'T LIKE THE LAW THEN CHANGE IT BUT THE LAW IS THE LAW!!!11' types. You know, the guy who says "Yeah, I mean I am all for LSD being legalized, but like , the law is the law man, so I support the police still!". These people are the some of the most disgusting humans in existence and I hope that a law is passed saying that they must all kill themselves. Unfortunately they make up a huge amount of the population. So that leaves us with good old USA, a country with an enormous population of hyper-nationalistic hyper-religious retards who mindlessly follow and support the laws of their masters.