Okay you have a point that other non-profit organizations also have tax exempt status. Yes and the constitution mandates that they do this, but it also mandates that they do not make laws respecting any religion , and thus ANYBODY being prohibited from using DMT or Mescaline is having their rights unconstitutionally infringed upon. It is a law respecting a certain religion to say that a certain religion has an exception from the law but nobody else does. So what exactly do you think separation of church and state means if not "No laws shall be passed favoring religions"? Religious based laws are prevalent, and that is largely why there is no real separation of church and state. It is impossible to have separation of church and state in a pseudo-democracy that consists overwhelmingly of religious people. Why do you think gay marriage is banned? Because the Bible says that Homosexuals are an abomination and marriage is between a man and a woman. If the Bible said Homosexuals can marry, there would be no laws in USA against gay marriage. I don't understand how you can not see that this means there is not really separation of church and state. Enforced separation of church and state would prohibit the masses from passing laws that have their roots entirely in religion. There is absolutely no reason to outlaw homosexual marriage other than the fact that it pisses off God according to Christians, and actually the fact that this is why they want homosexual marriage outlawed is widely known and admitted to by all of them. How is it separation of church and state when there are state enforced laws saying that gay people cannot get married, and these laws are openly based on the fucking Bible? If there was really enforced separation of church and state, the state would not be able to limit business operating hours on Sunday solely because it is the Sabbath. There is no other reason to restrict business operating hours on the arbitrary ass day of Sunday, and only an idiot would think that they do this for any reason other than as a nod to the christian faith. They cannot make laws respecting religions, why should Buddhists be subjected to laws that are based on the Christian faith? By law public currency is stamped with "In God we Trust" , God is obviously a reference to the Christian God. It doesn't say in Allah we trust, it doesn't say in Buddha we trust, it says In God we Trust. Additionally it makes a claim that all people in the US are theists, which is complete bullshit. It is clearly unconstitutional for the government to have an official policy of putting Christian slogans on everything, they are PROHIBITED from establishing a state respected religion but only an idiot would think that they are not full supporters of Christianity in an official capacity. Okay. In my militant libertarian world the Christians can feel free to live in their backwards ass cities, persecuting gays and staying stuck in the past. They also will be prevented from harassing non-Christians who stay away from their backwards asses. I will move to some area full of young people (who are atheist in much larger numbers) and chill with gays and druggies and other generally-not-insane-people, and they can all move to the south and condemn each us all to hell . It does not matter if the facilities are state institutions or not, the people who sentence you to attend them are acting in the official capacity as representatives of the state. By your logic it doesn't matter if judges sentence us to go to Catholic Church for ten years, because the Catholic church is not a state institution. Nonsense. Also AA is a christian cult, you can pretend they say God to mean some higher power but they say the lords prayer for fucks sake. Sure and they can feel free to practice their religion, but right now they pass laws that are based on little more than their religious brainwashing and this oppresses the rest of us. Pretty much all vice laws are based on either religion or ultra-liberal philosophy (most liberals are actually pretty against vice laws). The laws about store operation times on Sunday are certainly because of Christianity. The laws about alcohol are from Christianity. And anyway, these more abstract examples aside, the government routinely funds religious institutions, allows and engages in religious discrimination and promotes Christianity in general.