You would charge for access to a PIR system that holds many things including CP. Since the payment is for access to the system, and the content downloaded from the system cannot be determined by anyone, it thus masks the demand for the content both from a financial perspective and also from the perspective of nobody knows that the content is actually downloaded. Child porn essentially is a widget in a math exercise, just as all other data represented with 1's and 0's is. Sure child sex abuse causes horribly psychological damage to the victims of it. However I am entirely unconvinced that there is a magical voodoo revictimization process that somehow instantaneously occurs when someone looks at CP. A CP file is just a bunch of 1's and 0's when you get down to it, looking at how a particular series of 1's and 0's causes pixels on your monitor to color themselves does not have a magical effect on the subjects portrayed in the images. I am familiar with the numbers. There are tens of millions of people on P2P networks intentionally seeking out and downloading very underage CP, often unwittingly becoming distributors in doing so. There are also a lot of people who unwittingly download jailbait porn, which actually is considered to be CP, from many clearnet porn sites that allow user uploadable content. And there are some cases where prepubescent porn makes its way to such sites as well, although on mainstream porn sites you will be much less likely to find content like this than to find jailbait porn. CP is quite the epidemic at this point in time, the number of people becoming involved with it is growing at an extremely rapid rate that shows no signs of slowing down. And it is largely not child molesters but simply curious idiots on P2P networks who don't realize how easy it is for them to be caught, or that after viewing some images they will automatically start distributing them. That is really the saddest part about CP laws, the fact that a great many good and normal people are finding themselves facing many years in prison and lifetimes as registered sex offenders for finding some image or video from a P2P network search (perhaps not even a search for CP), downloading it out of curiosity and unwittingly becoming a distributor of child pornography. It is the most unfair and cruel fate for these people to have their entire lives completely and thoroughly ruined for downloading a bunch of 1's and 0's. I am grateful that federal judges particularly are starting to speak out about the cruelty of child pornography laws, as well as some other small parts of the legal system. But there is so much misinformation in peoples heads, so many bullshit government studies with falsified statistics, so much misinformation and fear mongering and term merging from the media and so many political points to be won for being hard on CP offenders, that countless more people are going to be fucked by these laws for many more years before anything significantly changes. And really it is insane that even if someone faces only a maximum of five years in prison for having a CP image, they quickly can go away for life once they have twenty images. They are almost entirely at the mercy of the courts in regards to if they will die in prison or be released on probation, and it has gone either way in cases that are otherwise essentially the same. Where is the justice in that? I would like to point out that the people arguing against reduced sentences for CP possession in the following article, are citing LIES and FALSIFIED STUDIES. They are either misled by propaganda or they themselves are continuing to intentionally spread lies and propaganda. As the citation I gave above shows, one of their primary studies that showed 85% of CP offenders had had sexual contact with a child, INCLUDED SEXUAL CONTACT WHEN THE OFFENDER WAS A MINOR. That is like saying we should have strict sentences for having yellow as your favorite color, because 85% of people who have yellow as their favorite color had sex with one of their peers when they were in highschool! It is god damn shameful that we have people in authority positions making such bullshit studies (they were probably trained by the people "studying" drugs) and it is a god damn shame that the media and politicians regurgitate these lies so much that they enter into the minds of the public as truth. It is a sham, they try to demonize people so they can get them sent to prisons and rehabilitation facilities and on probation, so that they can fund themselves with more and more money, fund their private industry partners (a lot of private industry involvement in making tools for tracking down CP offenders, it is a multi billion dollar industry for fucks sake!), gain political points, etc. They are literally selling harmless, normal people into a lifetime of fucking slavery, people who go to prison for CP offenses are just as much slaves to the state as people who go to prison for drug offenses, the dirty tactics used by the state to turn society rabidly against these people are the same dirty tactics they use to turn society against drug users. It is a farce and it is a fucking shame.