I can only disagree with this. I believe that you are incorrect. Every now and then I hear (rightfully) controversy about creationists having snuck some shit into the public school systems again. Let me try to find some examples. This actually contains a lot of information: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Of_Pandas_and_People#2004.E2.80.932005:_Dover.2C_Pennsylvania http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/10545387/ns/technology_and_science-science/t/judge-rules-against-intelligent-design/ This is just the first example I can find of creationism being taught in schools in the USA recently. It has happened on several occasions in several different ways though. You are right that it is unconstitutional, but so is the ban on child pornography possession and distribution and that hasn't stopped anyone from going to jail for it. The creationists do tend to get shut down pretty quickly, but it has been part of the curriculum at some public schools in the USA even as recently as the later 2000's, although I am not sure when the last reference I can find would be from. The courts do shut it down fairly quickly though, but then it just gets repackaged and pops up again. so you are not correct in saying that the entire public schools of the USA are free from creationism, just the majority of them are, and the minority that become temporarily infected are routinely quashed by the courts (until they repackage it as something else). The thing is in a highly religious area of the USA teaching creationism in school has enough public support that of course it is going to keep working its way into the curriculum before the courts can rule it illegal in its nth reincarnation (intelligent design being the newest version that I am aware of). I am actually in essentially complete disagreement with the religious people, and am actually quite against religion in general as I see it causes a lot of bad things to happen, many of which actually negatively effect me. So you are incorrect to assume that I am a religious person, and actually I am substantially far from being a religious person. I am in favor of freedom though, including freedom for insane religious nuts. Of course I do not claim they have a right to sexually abuse their kids. I also do not think that they have a right to abandon or neglect their children, using the logic that they brought their children into existence, and thus if they leave their vulnerable children to fend for themselves, they have essentially initiated force against their children. I just do not personally hold abusing or neglecting children on the same level as teaching children religious dogma and refusing to teach them science. First of all ID HAS been taught in public schools in the USA. Second of all libertarians do not think that there should even be public schools, as they do not think that there should be taxation to fund them. Libertarians believe that any private school can teach whatever they want, and children are free to go to whatever private school will take them / they can afford, and parents are not required to send their children to any particular private school or have them taught any particular curriculum. I do not believe that a parent has a right to keep a child confined at home if the child does not want to be confined at home. I do not claim that parents own their children, I only claim that I do not own their children and I do not own them (so therefor I can not force them to teach their children what I believe is right). As I mentioned previously in this reply, the last major CP distribution group actually made three million dollars distributing content that was already freely available on Tor and Freenet. To the best of my knowledge, they used recycled and rebranded content and did not produce anything or pay producers to produce anything. Actually there is an extremely detailed history of child pornography that was leaked to Wikileaks by an insider in the commercial CP world, that goes into much more detail than what I have gone into in this thread. I highly suggest you read it, although it was indeed written by a sick pedophile who in some cases even minimized the immorality of forcible child rape. Regardless it is the best insider look into the world of CP that you will likely find, and again I remind you that my insight into the world of CP is largely from research and reading and not from first hand participation on any level (especially not distribution or production!). And no I do not think if it saves one child from being molested that it is worth it to make CP distribution illegal. From a utilitarian point of view (and really I am not a utilitarian, but in this case I would take such a view), I would see more value in preventing millions of people from going to prison for often unwittingly distributing CP on P2P networks, than I would on preventing one child from being molested. I am against trading liberty and freedom for a little temporary protection. Well to be fair, at the time there was essentially only ONE commercial CP operation in existence, so.... But I guess I can agree with you here for the most part, membership would have increased and so would the bottom line. But again this distributor was not producing they were selling old rebranded images from P2P networks and other sources. If not for commercialization you could indeed use PIR to perfectly obfuscate the demand for CP. Due to commercialization, there may be some side channels for this information to leak through, perhaps a boost in the number of people paying for access to the PIR correlates with the introduction of more CP to the PIR. However this would be speculative demand as the PIR would still be successful in totally obfuscating the actual demand for CP. That is how....mathematics works. If you are not just worried about dollars going to producers, then what other price is it that you are discussing in relation to premium CP? I am kind of confused by what you have written here actually. Also perhaps you should define premium for me, I take it to mean high end, but I also consider linux to be high end software that is provided to me for no financial charge so.... This is easily refuted by once again pointing out that the largest production and distribution rings ever operated AFTER child pornography was made illegal to possess or distribute. Also the demand may be repressed but it is still enormous, there are literally tens of millions of people out there who are downloading CP on any given day. That seems like quite a lot of demand for CP to me. Also essentially none of them are paying for it. PS: Another story about intelligent design being taught in a USA public school (and again of course the courts put an end to it. But it was briefly being taught. Looks like this time they at least taught it as philosophy instead of an evolution alternative!): http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/10545387/ns/technology_and_science-science/t/judge-rules-against-intelligent-design/