So I should stop posting security tutorials here because a pedophile might use one of them in order to protect themselves while they molest children? It is insane to think that helping a producer in any way should be criminal. You probably meant knowingly contributing to a producer. Sure I will grant that it should be illegal to knowingly contribute to child pornography production, at least financially and concealment. I am not so sure that I think it should be illegal to give advice to anyone though, and actually I am pretty sure that it should not be illegal to. I strongly believe in freedom of speech and information. However, when you qualify your statement with knowingly, as I assume you must mean, then you must also admit that although a person may be taking a great risk in assuming that the money they pay for CP is not going to a producer, unless they know that it is going to a producer they are exempt from this. I already have said it should be illegal to knowingly pay a producer of child pornography to molest children, and thus unless I am misunderstanding you we actually are not in too much disagreement regarding this. Meh I am not a pedohpile, although I am admittedly sexually attracted to teenagers who are under the age of consent. Not that I have actually done anything with anyone under the age of consent, or have an exclusive attraction to them. In fact most child pornography makes me feel quite sick to my stomach (as far as I can tell from the descriptions anyway), although I do not imagine I would find images of nude children to be inherently upsetting to me. That said I really feel no desire to justify my own actions, I try my best to not partake in actions that cause harm to others and except for minor things (I mean I am not a saint) I find that I succeed at not hurting others. As my actions cause no significant harm to others, I feel that they are inherently justified. And actually, I care quite little about how the majority of people perceive me, due to the fact that I view the majority of people as being either evil or brainwashed. Yes I entirely agree. That is a prime example of something a militant libertarian would use force to halt. If a pedophile rapes a child they should have force used against them, as they are violating the freedom of the child. If a government agency tries to extort taxes from someone, they should have force used against them, as they have initiated force in an attempt to violate the freedom of another person. If someone arrests a person for a drug crime, they should have force used against them as they have initiated force and violated the freedom of another. If a criminal burglarizes a home they should have force used against them as they have initiated force and violated the freedom of others. If someone attempts to harm a person for viewing images they deem to be inappropriate, militant libertarians would use force to stop them, as they will be initiating force in an attempt to restrict the freedom of an innocent. Libertarians would be against all forms of force initiation, and would violently oppose the initiation of force by responding to force initiators with force until the force initiators are incapacitated, dead, or change their tune. The fact that militant libertarianism only opposes the initiation of force inherently means that only those who wish to initiate force against and violate the freedom of others have anything to fear, or any reason to not support militant libertarianism.