There is nothing BULLSHIT about using violence to free slaves. My opinion is that there should be no slaves, I feel that it is justified to use violence to ensure that this goal is met. People who have slaves maintain their master status by use of violence, so really you should be angry at them and not me. I wish to use violence against those who initiate violence (ie: I do not wish to initiate violence) in order to stop them from continuing the violence they have initiated (ie: They do wish to initiate violence, have done so, and continue to do so) against others. It is completely unacceptable to initiate violence against others, anyone who does not live by libertarian principles MUST initiate violence, as libertarianism allows for EVERYTHING other than the initiation of force. Thus, people who do not follow libertarian principles should have violence used against them until they either follow libertarian principles or are dead. Nobody who is not evil has anything to fear about a libertarian world. Only those who wish to oppress others have to fear violence being used against them in the name of libertarianism. There is nothing more morally justified than using violence to force libertarianism on the world. Forcing libertarianism on the world is equal to freeing the slaves of the world. There is nothing to fear about a world in which libertarianism is forced with violence, the only people who have anything to fear are those who wish to force slavery onto others. There is no room to argue against libertarianism, in a libertarian world everyone is free to do whatever they want except to initiate force against others. That means nobody will be oppressed by militant libertarianism, they will only be freed or killed/incapacitated for attempting to enslave others. If you do not support slavery you should support militant libertarianism.