We have no moral reason to not assassinate LE. We have no obligation to allow ourselves to be subjected to the unjust rules of a brainwashed society. It is quite apparent that those who are in favor of drug laws are either brainwashed or slave traders. It is okay for us to have pity on those who are brainwashed, but it is wrong for us to suffer for their mental weakness. Slave traders deserve to die. Look at the people who are most in favor of continuing the war on drugs, police, 'addiction specialists', people in the prison industry, people at drug testing companies, etc. Of course they give as many reasons as they can for why they would like to continue the war on drugs, always they say that their goal is to help people. But it only takes the smallest amount of common sense to see that their goal is to make a profit. Their goal is to make a profit off of our unjust imprisonment and this is nothing other than slavery. These people do not deserve to live and if killing them is in any way beneficial to us then they should be killed. Maybe people just need to see that they have a choice, they can let us be free or they can live in a war zone. They already live in a war zone but the only people who are feeling that in a significant way are us. The people who are dying preventable deaths from impure drugs and drugs like PMA marketed as MDMA? They are casualties to the chemical warfare of the DEA. The people dying in prisons for drug charges are nothing other than slaves, people whose lives have been sacrificed so some fucking DEA agent can have a job. The people getting HIV from dirty needles are the victims of biological warfare. It is unconventional warfare against us and slavery against us, only extreme pacifists could wish anything on them other than the same exact death and misery they dish out onto us. Fuck them, as long as they want to kill us let them be killed.