If you have never heard that libertarians are in favor of decriminalization of CP possession and distribution I wonder how long have you considered yourself to be a libertarian for? How much research have you actually done on what libertarians believe? Because anyone who is against the legalization of child porn possession is not really a 'pure' libertarian, and it is quite strongly associated with libertarianism to hold this belief. It is extremely associated with anarchists, you cannot want the censorship of information and really consider your self to be an Anarchist, these things are mutually exclusive. A quick google search confirms that the general libertarian position on CP possession is decriminalization: from wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Debate_regarding_child_pornography_laws although it does contrast with this immediately after it I would say the first opinion that CP production should be legalized is a very small minority of libertarians, although I have run into a few who think this way (essentially they see themselves as owning their children up to a certain point in time). I know that the ACLU and quite a lot of libertarians are in favor of decriminalization of possession and distribution but distribution legalization may not be the most prevalent libertarian belief. I very rarely find libertarians except a few self professed libertarians here have claimed to be against CP possession legalization. I am not sure what they really are but they don't appear to be libertarian to me. http://www.aclucentralflorida.org/questions.html yro.slashdot.org/story/12/09/09/1314232/rick-falkvinge-on-child-porn-and-freedom-of-the-press So pretty much you know nothing about what libertarianism actually is, and you are almost certainly not really a libertarian. You are the one who is in favor of criminalizing CP possession and who thinks that possession of CP victimizes children, this is not a common view held in the libertarian community.