Not to mention the fact that Unity doesn't even feel like it was designed with desktops in mind. It feels like a tablet GUI. My firefox always wanted to be full screen and didn't want to let me have multiple windows up at once. The navigation toolbar is on the side and pops up on mouse over, you need to search for applications by name instead of through menus, it just totally fucking sucks. When something is minimized it is a pain in the ass to get back to it. I like being able to switch between viewing the website in my browser and the downloads currently active, this turned out to be a challenge to say the least. I don't remember if they stuck to the 'let's for no reason put minimize maximize and close buttons on the LEFT side of windows' philosophy, because I only tried using Unity for about two seconds prior to completely ditching Ubuntu. Switching to Unity was the final fail I could tolerate from Canonical, but really Ubuntu has been spiraling down the drain for two or so years now. There is a reason they went from being the number one Linux distro to Mint pwning them after they switched to Unity, people don't want to use a tablet interface on their desktops and laptops. At the end of the day they tried to fix something that wasn't broken and in doing so they broke it, and what they didn't break they changed for no apparent reason.