That would mean something to me if you didn't say it on a forum that is dedicated to drug trafficking. The ostensible majority do not wish for silk road to exist, and it is illegal in every nation on earth, and yet you say to me over this channel that libertarian anarchy will not come to be because it is against the wishes of the majority. The free market provides this service to drug users despite the best efforts of the federal law enforcement agencies of the world. It seems to me like the people full of hot air are the statists, because they are powerless to stop the free market. Never forget that a thousand who are known can be overcome by one who is not. SR and the online drug scene are enough to show that the many who wish to oppress the few will not always succeed in doing so. Of course this implies that the many actually rationally wish to oppress the (many subsections of...) few and have not just brainwashed. Personally, I think that they (the masses) are just brainwashed though. It's just that I find it hard to imagine that so many people could be so evil, but so easy to imagine that most people are just easily frightened and stupid. I don't really blame the majority for the war on drugs, honestly I would forgive them, but I will never forgive the architects of the war on drugs, those who enforced the drug laws, or those who gained the most from our oppression, and indeed I hope that they are made to suffer for the needless suffering they have caused to so many, at least when they suffer some justice will have been done.