What is a police state? Intelligence agencies monitor all of our electronic communications. Paramilitary troops storm our homes searching for substances that are banned solely for the profit of the prison industrial complex. We can't walk down the street without being stopped by police and harassed. Huge amounts of the fruits of your own labors are forcefully taken from you and handed to the state. Everything is regulated. The laws are such that your sentence is entirely at the mercy of the system, simply getting an order of marijuana can be charged anywhere from a low level crime to participation in a conspiracy with a thousand additional charges. Huge amounts of people are paid or coerced into becoming secret government informants. The mainstream media is owned by the political establishment, simply look at what Wikileaks has done versus what Fox or CNN have done. Propaganda surrounds us from the media, the schools, everywhere government sponsored propaganda is blasted at us. They track us by our cell phones, by our license plates, by huge networks of secret CCTV cameras and facial/gait/eye/remote fingerprint recognition technologies. People are arrested for simple things like possession of marijuana and sent off to indoctrination camps or locked in cells for years. Then they are released and monitored closely by parole officers. Our religious rights are trampled, the constitution says that the state shall not respect one religion over another, so why can some religious faiths use Peyote, some DMT? Why can Christians go worship God at church but we can not experience God through LSD or other psychedelics? U.S.A is a police state and honestly the people responsible must die. There is no victory for us until the people who have created this mess have severe damage done against them. A lot of people need to die, and I hope that I get to live to see the day. I hope I live to see the day that these scumbag federal agent slave traffickers are fucking gassed. I hope I get to see the day that all of the politicians selling us into slavery for the profit of the prison industrial complex get executed by firing squads.