I merely point out that in a system which presents infinite ability to register new participatory nodes, there is infinite potential for massive flooding of LE and scammer nodes, and the private scene has found ways to minimize this that SR would be wise to consider. Also private scene for the most part gives not a shit at all about SR and indeed lots of people from older forums use SR. No, I suggest that if you want to read it you take your fucking Ritalin instead of selling it here. Indeed, the thought of getting something to an address tied to my name seems strange to me. A good perspective to take. Agreed entirely. The more intelligence we can gather on law enforcement, the better it will be for us. Indeed it probably is federal agents. It is either federal agents or it is someone who clearly cares far more about making a buck than they do the security of anyone here. If they complain I hurt their business, fuck em, good. yes we should assume everyone is a cop, but having a team of experts will be helpful. Then we can know who to turn to for auditing software. maybe DPR would like to organize the creation of interception detection technology, I am sure some combination of the members here working together could craft a design for these. it needs to be done in the open though, publicly. Also I wonder how many people here have experience with hacking? Let's pwn some LE networks and gather intel. How many here have LE in their family? We need to start utilizing the member base as an intelligence apparatus. This aspect is already thoroughly hashed out. The device contains in volatile memory a seed for a PRNG that transmits every so often after a set time delay. Exposing the device to light triggers the photovoltaic cell which in turn triggers a wiping mechanism to irreversibly wipe the volatile memory and clear the seed. Unless the customs officers can remove the device without triggering the photovoltaic cell, or they get better luck than winning the lottery, the idea is sound. We have the theory of how such a device would work and basics about its design completely understood and it is solid, the issue is simply on the implementation details and for that we will need some specialists with hardware and signals knowledge. I agree that it is a very serious threat to security. It is all a matter of proportion. On a public forum where people can register infinite accounts, scammers have infinite ability to register new accounts and so do LE. On private forums with restricted access membership, when a scammer burns one account out they have a lot of trouble to get a new one. With LE if they get 10 accounts into the private forum they will have more trouble to get a thousand new ones than on a forum where they can merely register a thousand accounts, one for everyone in their department. The initial invitation is a tricky subject though. Historically we have brought people over from forums such as bluelight on the assumption that law enforcement had not massively nym flooded it. It might be a safe assumption that the older an account someone has related to drug trafficking, the less likely they are LE, simply on the assumption that at some point in time law enforcement will use automated systems to massively register nyms on open sites, and the ratio of LE to non LE will dramatically change after that point in time. it is a tricky problem indeed, and one that warrants close attention. Public forums are immensely popular and in fact I am all for them even in favor of private forums, but countering nym flooding attacks is a serious priority that is worthy of a great deal of consideration. Perhaps some web of trust will end up being the best way to manage this.