[/quote][/quote] Interesting, I completely understand your point of view and i can agree that the Looking at a picture does not make you guilty of what the picture is about. But, if we the majority of like minded people don't set the limits then there would be no limits. not allowing people to view something is not wrong. Its like not letting your child look at crazy shit when their minds are still developing. the same goes with sick fucks whose minds are twisted and will act on or mimic an act, based on a picture they saw. Our freedom gives us the freedom to not allow some things in this world not to be shared or freely seen. Some cant handle it, some can and will act on it. hurting those around them...developing pedo's who can easily get photos, over time will act out those images. If we could stop that we secure our freedom... with that said, one can say that my point could be used in all bad vices man has...and this is true..but...! We as a society have developed limits, some are still way out there like looking at picture of torture, murder, beatings, doing drugs, drinking, etc etc..These may be frowned upon and perhaps you will be criticized by others and maybe even locked up but that doesn't cross the line like CP.... So i guess your ok to lift the rating system on movies, so young kids can go see rough sex porn and thinks that's fine. if we didn't sensor some things in this world our kids would grow up morally distorted [/quote] young kids can already see rough porn (and CP actually) online so I think rating systems are entirely pointless. That stuff is better enforced in family not by government or external society. Also there is a lot of scientific evidence that shows pedophiles with access to CP are less likely to molest children, for every paper you can cite that leans one way I can cite another going the other. I guess at that point you just need to look at the credentials of the people publishing.