1. Retards want jobs They have no skills and the only job they can get is guarding people in prison cells, busting people with drugs via snitches, and regurgitating bullshit government propaganda. If they could not make money regurgitating propaganda, guarding people in cages or threatening to send people to prison for life if they don't give up information, they would starve to death. I blame the liberals for being so fixated on jobs that they think Slave Master is an acceptable position. 2. Christians want you to love Jebus Jebus is the human-zombie-ghost hybrid form of the all mighty Sky Wizard who created you and drugs and decided to make you like the drugs that he created, but he totally hates it when you take the drugs that he created and forced you to take through his omnipotence, and he was nailed to a cross by a bunch of Jews to save you from your drug using sin but if you take drugs you might anger him and you don't like it when Jebus gets angry. I blame the Republicans for thinking they can force Jebus on the people through law. 3. Psychopaths want money and power Politicians want power, alcohol and tobacco and pharmaceutical and rehab and construction and a billion other industries want to make money and the slave trade is a booming industry and infinite source of slaves! I blame psychopaths. 4. The majority of people are so fucking retarded that they should be sent to special needs facilities They think if you smoke weed your dick will fall off