Jondonym is a fine VPN and you will not likely find much better, they cooperate immediately with court orders but prior to a court order requesting logs to a specific site or from a specific user they do not log anything. Also the court orders need to be carried out against individual nodes, which are in different jurisdictions. Of course such a small network is much easier for a passive attacker to pwn though. You can make Tor circuits up to 8 nodes there are network limits that prevent you from extending past that though, although there is little point in using additional nodes. The goal of the scheme I show in the OP is not to add additional nodes but rather to gain the anonymity benefits of Tor running as a non hidden service client for Tor hidden services. Actually come to think of it, I believe Tor automatically rotates entry guards if it detects that your IP address has changed, so as long as they are not using strict entry guards in their Torrc Tor would take care of the details of changing entry guards when the the servers location changes for them.