/me thinks about selling a spyware infested "secure USB!" configuration and making pop ups come up on customers screen questioning why they were so stupid to trust a product they bought on SR fully open source, full tutorial on how it is configured step by step, or gtfo vlad you seem more and more sketchy to me with your assortment of plans to offer products that could be used to deanonymize people, 3G dongles from you, private tor bridges from you, USBs from you, tablets from you.....why suddenly the interest in selling such things? Nothing like this is good for people to buy here, especially bridges tablets or dongles. I really don't think you mean any harm, but it strikes me as strange to see your sudden plans to offer such things. Also To anyone selling preconfigured live OS: unless your preconfigured live OS or other software is open source and step by step details for configuring them are released for everyone to audit, then only idiots will buy it. There are already free security oriented distros out there made by professionals why the fuck would anyone buy one made by somebody with little experience and sold on an illegal forum for profit (profit here implying that it will not be open to public audit)? , leave configuring security oriented operating systems to professionals. If you don't know what mandatory access controls are, you have no place in selling pre-configured live operating systems. I have studied security for years and have years of linux and BSD experience and still do not consider myself properly qualified to offer a truly hardened OS (then again, I don't consider tails or liberte to be truly hardened OS distros either) . It is nice to see people with interest in security and wanting to offer products, but if you don't have extensive study of such things you will fuck up enormously without being aware of it . The only way around this is to gain experience or to have a lot of support from people with such experience who are willing to audit your products. If you don't follow an open source publicly audited model for making products available you will never be trusted by anyone with a brain. My suggestion is make it open source and free, document every single step and ask for donations from your users, that is the only way any system from you or anyone else will ever be considered trustworthy.