At the end of the day if the feds are waiting for you to pick up your package, you are fucked. The only way around this is having shipments sent with interception detection technology that you can remotely query to see if the package has been opened on the route between the sender and your box. You still have the added advantage of making it more expensive for them to bust you, it is the difference between them knowing your address and them having to wait for you to pick up a package. Assuming a cost difference of even only one thousand dollars (which is a reasonable estimate for the man hours it would take to do surveillance for the time it takes you to pick up your package after it arrives) this quickly adds up if a thousand people are using fake ID boxes (to be exact, the cost of identifying all of them would increase by one million dollars). The cost of identifying one thousand people who are not using fake ID boxes is pretty close to zero dollars, assuming they can get the shipping information, which is assumed in either case. An increase in cost of a million dollars is significant, although a drop in the bucket for government it seems far less likely for them to spend a million dollars to identify 1,000 people ordering small amounts of drugs than it is for them to spend zero dollars to identify 1,000 people ordering small amounts of drugs. Also, you have the other added advantages that I mentioned earlier in this thread. The only disadvantage is that you are breaking several other laws by opening such a box. Well, if you use out of state ID you may be opening yourself up to intelligence attacks.