Does pornography feed your desire to ass fuck adults, or do you already desire to ass fuck adults without seeing pornography? And what child pornography industry is there? Essentially the entire commercial child pornography industry has been shut down for years. The vast majority of CP distribution consists of groups of people who only know each other by IP address putting shit up on public P2P networks for free, without even any real community aspect to speak of. The rest is anonymous people who don't even know each other by IP address trading on Freenet and Tor, or pseudonymous forum communities. The producers don't molest children simply because of the demand for CP, it is stupid to think so. The demand for CP could arguably lead to some production of CP, but it sure as hell does not lead to more child molestation. PS: Even if it does lead to more child molestation, I still think people have the right to view CP. Buying cocaine leads to more murders in Mexico, should you be banned from buying cocaine? What, do you support murder?!?!