Why are you surprised, I am quite openly Anarchistic in my ideology and even Libertarians (Anarchist lites) think child pornography should be legal to possess, receive, pay for and upload, only not to produce. There is not an inherent cause and effect relationship between child pornography consumption and increased production rates. Do you really think the only reason people molest children is because they think others will look at the pictures they take of the molestation? That seems absolutely insane to me. So you think people should be killed or completely isolated because they have the potential to do something bad? I bet a higher percentage of criminals use drugs than the general public, do you think that drug users should all be killed or isolated because they have the potential to do something bad, and are statistically more likely to do something bad than average? That sounds like precrime to me, pre-thought-crime in some cases (as CP possession crimes are essentially thought crimes)! What a scary concept! The concept of people taking pre-thought-crime seriously is far more scary to me than the idea of someone who has no plans to molest children anonymously looking at pictures on Tor.