Polyfront (made with the help of some of the people from BOS) fixed most of the problems with BOS, which shut down many years ago. BOS had errors though. So did Polyfront. If Polyfront were to be done again today it would fix some other things most likely, probably would suggest using hardware isolation instead of virtualization based isolation. Regardless BOS and Polyfront were both cutting edge underground security sites in their time. The people who made them learned more over time, but I don't know of any comparable comprehensive black market security resources, all of the others are playing catch up. BOS was teaching thousands of people how to use Tor and GPG when the majority were using Hushmail or no encryption and shitty or no anonymity solutions. Polyfront was the first underground security site to teach people how to use any sort of isolation at all, the first to warn people about checking tracking with Tor. What has Sheltan done?