You vastly over estimate the expenses of this sort of attack. It just requires the raw data and a powerful enough computer. Feed the computer the cell phone positioning data, out pops the locations that fit the pattern of being associated with drug dealing. Feed the computer the cell phone social network topology and out pop the numbers that a lot of known drug users are calling, or even that a lot of unknown drug users are calling in patterns that are consistent with drug dealing. Where is the unjustifiable cost in this? You will not hear of cases where this sort of technology is used to bust someone. Because they will not mention in court "We knew to pull this person over, because our computer said they are probably a drug dealer", why would LE divulge that information if they are not required to? You will simply hear "We pulled this person over for a minor traffic violation and discovered they had narcotics, then we got a warrant to search their home and found a lot more narcotics!".