Using their private Tor network is about as secure as using any other VPN, maybe a wee bit more since it is actually based on the Tor software, which protects better than most VPN software does from website fingerprinting and such. They also exit traffic through their trusted servers, so you can be more certain that traffic through the exit node wont be modified or spied on by random malicious parties. Of course it also ensures that all of your traffic can be modified and spied on as soon as the feds issue a warrant and force ironkey to cooperate. I don't know how much they have modified Tor or if they use any of its servers other than theirs. I am also not clear on if they are using Tor nodes they have added to the public Tor network or if they are using a fully private Tor network. In any case it is probably about as anonymous and secure as a VPN managed by a company like ironkey can be, which means potentially better than nothing but I certainly wouldn't rely on it. Do they even caim to not keep logs? It seems like they are selling it more as a tool to encrypt your internet traffic than as something to keep you anonymous, but in either case that is all you should really expect from it.