The scene has no leaders, dread pirate roberts merely operates this mix / communication server and has implemented a system that allows him to be paid for providing it to us. I am sure you are aware that when the hyrda has a head cut off, more grow back in place of it? Why do you seem so fixated on the current network topology of scene communications servers (and administrators), and not the massive social all channel network that the scene in itself is? It will only take an advancement in utilized communications technology for the two to become one and the same. The goal is to have a free market, which has the direct effect of creating wealth. We celebrate both. The well being of people is the responsibility of individuals. Anyway, even the DEA doesn't care about the well being of people from drugs, when is the last time a cigarette company was raided? How many DEA agents smoke cigarettes and drink alcohol, lol. Such an ironic group of people, their cognitive dissonance is either clinically significant or they are evil Nazis (perhaps both, after all most Nazis indeed thought that the extermination of the Jews was the morally correct thing to do). Websites like Silk Road can increase safety in many ways. And the safety of individuals from themselves is the sole responsibility of the individuals themselves. Drug forum scene has been going stronger and stronger for over a decade. SR may be hit an run operation, but I am pretty sure that SR is a communications server. The network that uses it is inherently an institution of freedom. And it seems to me to be growing substantially more powerful and harder to kill (in reach, total amounts moved, technical security, etc) fact it has taken to operating entirely in the open, and thus far the federal police of the most powerful country in the world seem incapable of stopping it, or the broader cryptoanarchist revolution that it is merely a small part of.