http://dkn255hz262ypmii.onion/index.php?topic=13160.45 is what made me decide to make this largely pointless although fun thread. Let's pretend that there is a scenario where there is a ciphertext protecting the content of communications between a vendor and a customer. The customer claims that the vendor sent them the following message "You are a dumb stupid ass". The vendor says they never said such a thing. My job is to determine who is lying, but I can't see the content of the message because it is encrypted with GPG. Let's simulate that. Encrypt a message to your public GPG key, and post the ciphertext here. This simulates me having access to the ciphertext block of the alleged mean comment (which I would have if I had access to the SR database). We will pretend that this is the ciphertext block that you claim the mean vendor sent to you. Now I will ask you to tell me what the mean vendor said to you by pasting exactly what the ciphertext block decrypted into. Try to trick me into thinking the vendor said something they didn't say, or be honest by pasting exactly what the vendor said. Make sure to paste *exactly* what the message decrypted into without making any changes to the resulting plaintext. I will then use my super leet skills to help me determine if I trust your version of events or not. Feel free to tell me many messages, with one of them being what you really encrypted to your public key and all of the others being lies. Please paste plaintext in blocks. example: if you already know how I am going to go about this feel free to say.... otherwise let me prove my claim also post your public key btw