In its purest form democracy means that if 51 out of 100 people want to kill all of the Jews, that all the Jews should be killed. I really don't understand people who are pro democracy, but I think they must be insane. Of course I do understand the general reason why people are pro democracy. Democracy is generally in favor of socialism because the majority of people have less than the minority of rich people, and they would like very much to democratically vote to take that wealth and give it to themselves. Republics are bad too. Elected officials will just be bought off by corporations or their own special interests. There is no good form of government. Everyone should voluntarily invest in private defense agencies until they get strong enough to kill everyone who wants to force government onto others. Government has no legitimate purpose and at its very fundamental core it is based around the evil of stealing, euphemistically known as taxation. Taxation is the defining characteristic of all governments. Governments are also horribly inefficient with the "services" that they "provide" (paid for with money that they steal so is it really providing? If I point a gun at you, take your wallet, buy an apple from my friends apple stand, and give it to you, did I just provide you with a free apple?), they really exist for the sole purpose of expanding their bureaucracies creating hierarchial systems with the people on top gaining more and more power as the hierarchy gains depth. Of course they also exist to fund these hierarchies with stolen money, and to divert stolen money to various corporate friends who then help them launder it when it ends up in the account of individual politicians. Government is a cancer on the world regardless of what form it takes. Complete anarcho-capitalism is the only moral system, and Agorism and cryptoanarchy are the strategies that will bring it to be.