It isn't like the government can only focus on one issue at a time. DEA doesn't focus on the CP sites at all. FBI probably monitors all traffic into and out of Freedom Hosting server. If they have not managed to trace it then the average american citizen should feel absolutely ashamed of the fact that they are funding complete retards. Why would they take it down they would rather bust x% of the people who go to them. Then again I have not heard of anyone who used Tor getting busted for CP. They really have their hands full with non-anonymized CP traders though, every year they are only capable of following up on *1%* of *non anonymous* IP addresses that they detect trading CP from their dragnet traffic analysis of public P2P networks alone. Half the time they can't even tie the IP address detected trading CP to a customer address, because by the time they focus human resources to any given IP address usually enough time has passed that the ISP doesn't even have a record of who it was assigned to anymore.